Break from Reality

A few weeks ago my therapist mandated that I take a mini trip somewhere completely alone. No kids. No husband. Just some R&R for good ol’ Mom.

At first, I was like there is no way I can make that work. I was nervous. I was scared.

Now here I am sitting here alone on a picnic table watching the Mississippi River roll right by. The subtle hum of crickets nearby provides a comforting white noise in the background. I am watching a man load his boat back on the trailer at the nearby dock. I miss the fam, but I am excited to spend a day with myself doing only what I want, when I want, and where I want. I splurged a bit and booked a hotel room that has a jacuzzi tub. I have been attempting to write my book for quite some time now, so that is what a big plan for the weekend is going to be. I have been working hard in therapy, researching a ton, and really focusing on that inner child within me and making sure she knows that I’ve got her now. I feel very refreshed to be away from home (but not too far) and enjoying some time to myself. I do have to say, this is the first time I have been anywhere by myself. It feels invigorating, yet safe at the same time.

Last week I called and made a dinner reservation for one. I left home at about 830 this morning, and got here at 10 o’clock. I have been exploring historic buildings like blacksmith shops, old general stores, and local antique and gift shops. I can’t check-in to the hotel until 4pm, so I am really just killing time however I want to until then. It feels weird to just slow down and soak in the sunshine and air without having to worry about if the kids are eating mud, tormenting the cat, playing in the toilet, or many other mischievous activities that toddlers enjoy taking part in when at home. At home, silence is dangerous. Here, it feels beautiful. The world spins slower, and enjoying Mother Nature feels more possible.

I am thankful to have this time away. I am thankful that I have a therapist that tells me what I need to hear and steers me towards things that nurture and refresh myself. Life feels lighter today. I like it.

Can’t beat this!!