35 weeks

We’re at 35 weeks, everyone! I’ve officially made it inside the 30 day mark. This is almost cause for celebration (almost)!

Today I had an ultrasound and he was measuring one week ahead and nearly SIX pounds. It’s always reassuring to see your babe appear healthy and growing while in your womb. Not everyone gets to experience that, so it’s something I try to enjoy although pregnancy can be a struggle.

Four more weeks. I can do this. I’m beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

(Even though I don’t have the nursery completed or a hospital bag packed)

EOD Thoughts: 09.26.2021

Another weekend has come and gone.

Saturday we celebrated some friends at their wedding

(It was nice to get out without Della – we haven’t had a date night in quite a while)

And Sunday we did some household chores and finished the night with a short hike and some time at the playground

We even snuck up on six deer grazing on the other side of the water!
She sure loves going down slides!

I’m thankful for my family and friends always

And I’m thankful I’ve only got four weeks of pregnancy left!

The Day Following the Harvest Moon

Last night was the bright harvest moon. Today I’m looking out at this soybean field that stretches across the street from my front porch, and I’m thinking, ‘Look at the beautiful and gradual change of color within this field. How lucky I feel to have had my hard work pay off and to purchase my own home. And one with a view like this, at that!’

‘A lot of pain, sweat, and tears was shed before I got here. I remember the days dreaming of what I’ve got now.’

Today I’m especially stricken with pride as I enjoy the beautiful day’s views from a front porch swing.

For Years to Come

There is no handbook on how to deal with heartache

There is no medicine to cure the pain

How can the one you love most use words that pierce your heart like a knife to bare skin?

It’s not the first time

And won’t be the last –

Your words have such impact on someone who reads into every clue from your brow

I study you

My absolute favorite person

The one I know most about

The one I revolve my life around

Why do I feel I’m more in love with you than I feel like you’re in love with me?

You hide your true emotion behind words that sting like a hornet

Its harsh pain will eventually dissipate

But you’ll remember how badly it hurt in that moment for years to come

EOD Thoughts: 09.14.2021

New phone finally!

You don’t realize how hard your life is without a smart phone until you gotta try to get by without one.

How scary it is to even get on the road knowing you don’t have a way to make an emergency call if needed.

Couldn’t access all of my work websites because I wasn’t able to two-factor authenticate my apps via text messaging codes.

I’m hopelessly phone-reliant

Even though I don’t wanna be

Everything is broken.

Not everything. But sometimes it feels like it.

Phone is broken. Laptop is broken.

I’m 9 months pregnant, so every part of my body feels broken.

Heh heh.

But really.

So for now I’m limited on what I can really post – I can’t type on my phone it’s so broken, let alone take any pictures. Things have been very simple around here and my onscreen time has gone down significantly.

But I’ve also really noticed how much of a tool I use my phone as.

I’m not talking about Facebook scrollin’, but I do keep my calendar in my phone updated. Other tools I use on my phone that I’m now really struggling without is the calculator and text messages. I keep a lot of lists and notes in my phone, too, so I’ve been walking around aimlessly it feels like.

How does anyone that works a regular full-time job have time to run any errands without using up personal time or vacation? I don’t have the time during the day to run to the cell store and get a new phone.

Looks like society is a bit broken, too.

Autumn Welcome

I love the fall. It’s the time of year that has the best weather and most fun activities. I’m a total autumn junkie – count me in for all of the fall activities. Pumpkin patches, bonfires, football games, hayrack rides, all of it.

So today the weather here in central Illinois is a bit cooler than it has been. Last week the heat index all week long was over 100 degrees. It’s currently 66. So I’m LOVING IT.

I know that there are some people out there that DO NOT want to welcome autumn the first week of September, but I wouldn’t mind if we welcomed it the first week of August! I’ve been trying to keep my excitement and desire for the new season at bay, because my fiancé likes to relish summer for as long as possible, but I’ve had my fall decor up for over a week now and I’ve already been to the store for some new candles. This morning I put my pumpkin scented wax melts in the burner and that combined with the cool air has me feeling SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD! I’ve also been cleaning the house today, so the level of comfort I’m in has me feeling so relaxed and energized at the same time, if that makes any sense. There’s just something about a clean house that cures my anxiousness and calms my nerves.

What kind of season lover are you? Do you hold onto summer for as long as possible, or do you jump into fall at the first opportunity?